Conal Conference Alerts

Academic Conferences Worldwide

Keeping track of things

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Whether you are subscribing to receive event alerts, or adding an event as an organizer, it is useful to make a note of the email address which you are using for your Conal account. Please also make a note of the username you are using; and the password you are using.

If you have both a subscriber and an organizer account, please keep careful track of which is which; and use a different email address if possible for the two different accounts.

You are always able to reset account passwords; and you can ask us to send your username to you. Please also contact us if you need help unsubscribing.

Author: conalconferencealerts

Conal is an online events calendar listing professional and academic events. Subscribers use it to receive event information in their areas of interests, and organizers use it to promote events.

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